Click on any image to enlarge it.
Alyson sewing up muslin to cover the salted and dried legs of lamb. Sadly, flies got into the meat and we had to condemn the whole lot.
The galley in Elsi wasn’t big but it did the job. The cooker is gimballed so that when Elsi is heeled over the cooker stays flat. The pump at right pumped sea water into the sink for washing up.
Just forward of the galley I had three big plastic tubs I called galley bins. I used these for my “day to day” food. They got refilled from the main storage lockers every two weeks or so. The smaller tubs were used for everyday stuff like biscuits, tea, coffee, dried milk etc
Usually there was a set of steps below the cabin door but for this trip it was replaced by this box which held a big pile of tinned food as well as tatties, onions and garlic. I used the straps in bad weather to make sure it didn’t burst open.
The chart table was on the starboard side. Here it’s set up for writing my daily bit for the website logbook.
The seat for the chart table was also the head end of my bunk. Here it is on Christmas morning littered with presents.
I didn’t use the towing generator much as I got most of my power from the wind turbine and the shaft alternator.
The best way to pull in the towing generator prop is to slip a funnel down the line to stop in turning or reduce speed. I didn’t have a funnel and the line usually came in like this.
I baked bread regularly. In the tropics there was no problem getting the dough to rise but not so good down around the Horn.
Elsi in stormy seas. The picture was painted by Francesca Ashmore earlier this year. We met her and her husband Bob in Falmouth before leaving.
Rodrigo Jimenez Paschold; Air Comodore Felipe Saldias Navarrete, pilot and co-pilot of the helicopter who helped winch Andrew off Elsi Arrub.
Crew of the helicopter who helped winch Andrew off Elsi
By richard pugh Wed Nov 20th 2013 at 6:43 pm
Hi Andrew,
I did promise not to bother you with e mail, but just a quick hello. You must be very pleased with your progress so far ? Keep safe. We are on our boat in Falmouth + we have gusts of 40 knots.
Touch base in a few weeks.
Richard ( Pugh )
By Helen Robertson Wed Nov 20th 2013 at 9:50 pm
We are delighted that Turvil is enjoying his adventure on the sea. We really enjoyed the photos of him getting ready to leave with Andrew in the sunshine. His photos are also being shared on the website. Hope you are both fine.
Mrs Robertson
By John wm simpson Tue Nov 26th 2013 at 8:29 am
All the very best Andrew just fun de blog site so will be keeping tabs on you 23deg soonds bra good ta me raw westerly near gale conditions here been that brawly steady for 2 weeks nu.
j wm un caroline
By Jean Farquhar Sun Dec 1st 2013 at 7:26 pm
A bit rumbly Andrew – hope it improves for you. Keep strong and cheerful
Don and Jean
By Chris Tanner Sun Dec 1st 2013 at 11:46 pm
Hi Andrew, picked up your blog and adventure from following the ARC and reading the “Hot Stuff” blog on the ARC website…what a chance encounter ! Now following your adventure with great interest. Reading your history, you are an incredible person and an inspiration. Regards Chris Tanner UK.
By Brenda McLeish nee Herbert Tue Dec 17th 2013 at 6:43 am
Hi Andrew, we met Mum 12 years ago when we visited Shetland and have been in contact ever since. She wrote with your web URL. Mum and I are 4th cousins through the Fullerton line. My Great Grandparents Joseph and Jessie Catherine (nee Williamson b Shetland) Herbert emigrated from Leith to Rawene New Zealand in 1865.
The family resemblance of Rosabel to my Dad’s (Allen Fordyce Herbert) sister Elizabeth Charlotte Herbert was astounding.We spent a lovely afternoon with her and your Dad. Magic spot.
Safe travels, Brenda and Bob McLeish
By Ernie Stove Tue Jan 14th 2014 at 11:20 am
Seems a long time since you were on the bus to Sullom nose in a book no doubt planning your route for your adventures!!All the best boy I’m with you all the way Ernie Stove Sandwick.
By neil Tue Feb 11th 2014 at 7:27 pm
Thinking of you Andrew and hope all is well.
great to get your news both “live” (from A) and on site and paper.
By Diana Churchman Wed Feb 19th 2014 at 9:08 am
Just heard about your voyage on BBC Radio Cornwall. I will be following you now on the internet. I think it will be very interesting to see your journey
By John Shaw Wed Mar 5th 2014 at 8:18 pm
Hello Andrew,
Got the details of your site from Neil Fraser and I’m now following your adventures with fascination. Good luck with the onward journey. A great endeavour already and an achievement in the making. The bairns athletics club in the old Scalloway School gym seems a long way away.
Cheers and enjoy the morning sun on your back. John Shaw
By Angus Fraser Sat Mar 8th 2014 at 10:54 pm
Sorry to hear the sad news but as long as you are save .
By laurie paton Sun Mar 9th 2014 at 5:25 pm
vexed to hear aboot de mast in blieb t hear doos med dry laand
By Helen Sun Mar 9th 2014 at 8:36 pm
Wir all thinking about you and glad you are safe.
By Andres Carrra Mon Mar 10th 2014 at 3:26 am
Check this page:
That is the video with the rescue from Chilean Navy.
Saludos y buena suerte en la travesia.
10 de Marzo, 2014.
Valparaiso, Chile
By Andrew m Thomson Fri Mar 14th 2014 at 10:53 am
Hello Andrew. Very disappointed about your devastating mishap but your safe and well .Hope du fins Elsi.
By norman & joann irvine Fri Mar 14th 2014 at 8:55 pm
Good to see that your ok, see you uha next year.
By bobby tulloch Sat Mar 15th 2014 at 6:02 am
nowdan andrew
i wis just winderin if dey hiv melly tatties in chili or no?.
By James A. Pottinger Sat Mar 15th 2014 at 10:59 am
Hoping all turns out OK in the end, you are safe, the main thing.
By Duncan MacPhail Sun Mar 16th 2014 at 1:40 pm
Hi Andrew, disappointed for you, but glad to see your safe and well, safe journey home. Regards Duncan MacPhail (Lerwick)
By John Shaw Sun Mar 16th 2014 at 2:51 pm
Hi Andrew,
Sorry to read about your terrible misadventure. It must have been terrifying but life and limb are the most important things, the rest is just stuff, even if it is very precious stuff. It’s great that Elsi has been found, let’s hope that she can be retrieved and rehabilitated. Good luck.
John Shaw
By Frank Garrick Mon Mar 17th 2014 at 12:04 pm
Vexed to hear about your mast. Hope the search and journey back to burra goes well. Frank
By Steve & P@ Weir Tue Mar 18th 2014 at 10:29 am
We hope you find Elsi ok, and get sorted for your next move. Like everyone else we felt really bad about the way it turned out. Mind you, I think it would take more than that to get you down. Cheers for now.
By Linda Moon Tue Apr 8th 2014 at 1:19 pm
Just this moment learnt of your latest sailing trip being brought to a sudden end. So sorry to hear that. You must be shattered.
I’m glad to hear that you are fine but rather sad to hear about Elsi. I have some wonderful memories & photos of the dear ol’ girl in Melbourne years ago & then when she was carted up high on a hill behind your place some years later.
That’s one mighty fine boat with true personality! She’s done you proud! I hope that one day you can bring her home.
Take care & all the best.
By Peter Harmer Wed Apr 23rd 2014 at 9:44 am
Hi Andrew, sorry for not getting back to you until now. However, its good to hear fae you and to know your hame safe after your epic voyage. Some experience and still time for more, possibly.
I have to admit to showing my pupils the trip you had undertaken during registration one day and it mushroomed from there. Most days thereafter they were all keen on finding out how you were getting on and what information we could discuss from your log. We even had you plotted on a world map and two pupils would mark your position after every ten days. The whole class were well impressed when you had mentioned them in your log and this increased the interest even more. On a number of occasions I overheard some of them telling other pupils about Elsi and you and were able to discuss your location and what your plans were, among other things.
They and I were so sorry when your journey came to the abrupt end it did. We watched the news report of you being lifted away from Elsi and knowing the adventures you have both experienced together, I for one could well imagine your thoughts as you looked back at her all alone in that vast ocean; indeed a needle in a haystack from that point on.
Thank you for being a significant part of our registration class Andrew and involving the pupils, they are indeed the better for experiencing your voage with you and who knows, maybe some of them will be inspired to go on to be as adventurous as yourself.
When it became clear that not all had gone according to plan, one pupil asked me if you might be able to visit our school/class to share more of your experiences with them. I had to say I wasn’t sure that would be possible but if ever you found yourself in Aberdeen and you had some free time I know a registration class that would be only too pleased to meet you and learn more about experiences and adventures.
Thank you once again for engaging with our registration class Andrew and all the best to Alyson and yourself, what a team!
Take care and keep in touch
Regards fae Peter and the pupils in S6 registration.
By Joanna Chaytor Fri Jun 10th 2016 at 7:03 pm
Hello Andrew, just had a very interesting and entertaining hour reading up about your voyages after spotting your mural on the Funchal harbour wall! Stay safe! Joanna & Charlie
By AH Sun Oct 16th 2016 at 4:11 pm
Hi Johanna,
Just updating the website and came across your comment. Many thanks for writing in. Hope you enjoyed it!
Best regards,
By Hein Sat Feb 22nd 2020 at 3:07 pm
tahiti ketch
a great boat
got the plans in Broadway NY
some years ago
built it in teak wood
gaff rigg
good seaworthy boat all round
boat name “ATOLL”
Have some photos if interested